No próximo dia 22 vamos celebrar a chegada da primavera de um jeito diferente, juntamente com o Coletivo Nós Amefricanos, o Hostel Green House promove a festa mais marcante da estação. A [...]
Sharing experiences!! ❤️ Hostels are all about this! And our goal is to share with you the best experiences you can find at the 3 border area! Check out our new video about our Brazilian [...]
Most of the people come here in Foz Do Iguazu to enjoy the Iguazu falls and leave the area without living a true local experience. The falls are great, of course, but are (as you can imagine) [...]
You’ve probably heard of Foz Do Iguaçu because of the nearby Iguazu Falls, which got the city internationally renowned. It would be a shame, though, to leave the city without [...]
“Indescribably beautiful”, “should be on everyone’s bucket list”, “one of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen” – these are some descriptions I overheard of the Iguacu Falls while working in [...]
Traveling is fun and interesting, regardless of the reason for your trip. Spending a lot of money is a sure way to ruin the fun of traveling. This article will help you keep your expenses to a [...]
Bed & drinks is a new promo in Bambu Hostel Iguassu Falls. A amazing Hostel, with a great bar! Book now a dorm in the Bambu Hostel and get drink (OPEN BAR FOR 16:30PM at 00:00PM) for free [...]
Come celebrate with us the New Year! Wear your white clothes and come to traditional New Year’s dinner. JUST R$120 PER PERSON Start 7pm, OPEN BAR for 2 hours (9pm as 11pm) Clique here and [...]
Itaipu Binacional is one of the most visited attractions in Iguassu Falls city! The world´s largest generator of renewable clean energy and it is located on the Paraná River, at the Brazilian [...]